The Body

We want to create a system that provides the same advance for full text and information within that text as MEDLINE provided for titles and abstracts. In order to provide optimal access to your work and to specific parts of your work, we need you to pay close attention to headings, subheadings, and key words. There are several major headings in a manuscript: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and References. In addition, you may have minor headings that fall under each heading, and key words may occur in various locations throughout your manuscript. We are trying to key on the important information in your manuscript by using a hierarchical system of headers, sub headers, and key words. For example, the treatment of Sweet's syndrome might by viewed, in part, this way:

Sweet's Syndrome (article title)
    Management (major heading)
        systemic corticosteroids (subheading)
            prednisone (key word)
            prednisolone(key word)

The advantage to using this type of system not only does it make your information more accessible (one can easily look at the recommended treatment of a disease), but it also allows one to compare across articles (e.g., what diseases list colchicine for treatment).

From your standpoint, we hope the system is as simple as possible. We think the easiest method of indicating headings is to use an outline system, and to place the headings on a line without other text. First level headings should be proceeded by Roman numerals, second level headings by capital letters, and third level headings by Arabic numerals:

I. first level
A. second level
1. third level
a. fourth level

Key words that are in addition to headers may appear throughout your document. For the purpose of providing the best access to your readers, we assume the key words occur within the context of the paragraph or previous header. Key words are simply indicated by putting an asterisk before and after *the item*. (A given key word may appear many times throughout a manuscript. We ask that you identify the key word only once, in its most important instantiation. When the reader asks to see the information associated with that key word in your manuscript, he or she will receive the paragraph where you identified the key word.

I. Abstract

Here is the abstract of the article. Generally given in one paragraph, but you may use more as necessary. The abtract will end at the subsequent header.

II. Introduction

This key word signals the end of contents of the previous key word (abstract) and introduces your topic. References within your article should be noted by square brackets.[1] Please list the reference after the punctuation mark. References may also fall within a sentence[2] when limited to information in the first part but not the second part of the sentence. When you need to list more than one reference, please list all the numbers.[3,4,5,6] Separate each reference with a comma. This will allow hypertext information to be tied to each number. For example, the article on Sweet's syndrome  in Dermatology Online Journal allows the reader to see the citation simply by putting the mouse over the reference number.

III. Methods

There is nothing special about the methods section, per se. Therefore we will discuss the use of images within the manuscript.

Know that you may be liberal with your illustration. The journal has the convention of using 192*128 pixel illustrations within the manuscript. When you wish to display one illustration, it will float to the right of the text. Two illustrations will, by default, be placed side by side on the same line. For example, see the article on trichoepithelioma in the May Dermatology Online Journal.

You may indicate the placement of your figures by using an all-caps designation before the appropriate paragraph:


This would result in the placement of the figure and its associated legend to the right of this paragraph. If you think a different placement is more optimal, you need to convey that information to the Editor when the manuscript is submitted.


This will result in two figures, side-by-side, and their accompanying legends appearing before the start of this paragraph.

IV. Results

Throughout the manuscript, you may wish to use tables or diagrams for illustration. You need to indicate the proper placement of these elements. In general, tables should be about 434 pixels in width, the default size of the Journal page. If you have difficutly sizing your tables, that can be done for you at the Journal.


The above indicates the placement of a table on a line by itself. This will result in the table and associated legend appearing between paragraphs.

V. Discussion

In addition to headers, you may use sub headers and key words in your manuscript. Here is an example of indicating those elements from the article on Sweets disease. The headings and key words have been changed to red to make them more visible for the purposes of demonstration.

VI. Management

A. Systemic corticosteroids

Systemic corticosteroids have been the treatment of choice in most large series of patients reported.[2,3,19] Generally *prednisone* or*prednisolone*is used with an initial dose of 0.5-1.5 mg per kg per day. Reduction is begun within two to four weeks.[2] A good response can be anticipated with resolution of malaise within hours and mucosal lesions and fever within two days.[2] Skin lesions should resolve within one to four weeks.[2,3] However, recurrence is common (25%). Chronic relapsing disease is seen in about 15%.[2]

B. Topical corticosteroids

Topical and intralesional corticosteroids have frequently been used as adjunctive treatment along with systemic modalities. They are occasionally used as solo therapy and can be effective in mild cases.[3,4]

C. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

*Indomethacin* appears promising as an alternative to corticosteroids. It was first reported as useful in 1977.[20] Most recently,17/18 patients responded with clearing to indomethacin.(6) No recurrences were noted in a mean follow-up of 20 months. The dosage used was as follows: 150 mg per day for one week, 100 mg per day for two weeks. Indomethacin was then stopped. Fever and arthralgia were attenuated within 48 hours. The eruption cleared within 7-14 days. *Naproxen* was used successfully in one patient with CML.[21]

D. Potassium iodide

Some authors state that potassium iodide may be as effective as corticosteroids and that relapses may be less frequent.[2] However, the reports of KI use tend to be older and smaller numbers of patients were treated than in reports utilizing corticosteroids. Nevertheless, several studies have shown effective clearing with the use of KI.[19,22,23,24] In these studies, 900 mg per day was initiated. Symptoms improved within 48 hours and cutaneous lesions cleared within one week in most cases. In some cases the drug was withdrawn after only 2 weeks and no recurrence was seen.[22] Two patients developed a severe vasculitis that was attributed to KI.[19,25]

To reiterate:

  • major headers are on a line by themselves and are preceded by a Roman numeral.
  • secondary headers are on a line by themselves and are preceded by a capital letter.
  • key words are indicated by preceding and trailing *asterisks*
For placement of images and tables:
  • the location of images and associated legends is indicated by all-caps designation before the key paragraph.
  • the location of tables and associated legends is indicated by all-caps designation before the key paragraph.
And for citations:
  • citations are indicated using square brackets, with a full number (not a range) if there is more than one citation.

VII. references

References are listed by number with an empty line between references:

1. Dahl M, Wilson B, Lynch PJ, Sweet's Syndrome and Related Disorders in Principles and Practice of Dermatology, ed.Sams WM, Lynch PJ, N.Y., 1996.

2. Von den Driesch P, Sweet's syndrome (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis, J Am Acad Dermatol.31(4)535-556,1994.

3. Fett DL, Gibson LE, Su WP, Sweet's Syndrome: Systemic signs and Symptoms and Associated Disorders, Mayo Clin Proc.70:234-240,1995.

4. Barnhill RL, Busam KJ, Vascular Diseases in Histopathology of the Skin, Elder D, ed.,N.Y.,204-206,1997.

For a sample of the body of manuscript, see the text version derived from Solitary Giant Trichoepitheliamoa in Dermatology Online Journal.