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Comparative study between Ruby, Alexandrite and Diode lasers in hirsutism Nadia Saleh*, Yahia Badr**, Hisham Shokeir***, Mona Soliman***, Manal Salah***, Nevin Samy***, M. Amr El Noury****Egyptian Dermatology Online Journal 1 (2): 5* Dermatology Department,Kasr El Aini,Cairo
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IntroductionHirsutism is defined as the growth of terminal hair in a woman in sites at which it is usually considered a male secondary characteristic e.g. chin and beard area. The severity of hirsutism depends on the underlying disorder resulting in excess production or increased availability of the potent or weak androgens (testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and androstenedione). Hirsutism may result from ovarian and/or adrenal overproduction of androgens or some exogenous medications. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the underlying disorder in the majority of women who present with hirsute. It is characterized by a typical ultrasound appearance of the ovaries and a variable endocrine and clinical picture [1]. Hirsutism may be idiopathic, due to androgen
receptors hypersensitivity, or hereditary. It may result
from an increased end organ ability to produce
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from weaker androgens.
Patients and methods171 hirsute female patients with Fitzpatrick skin types II-IV were included in this study. Their ages ranged from 17-50 years (mean 32 years). Informed consent had been obtained from each patient prior to treatment. The area studied was the beard, even if there were other areas affected and treated. Comprehensive history and examination were
performed in order to detect any hormonal disturbance or
underlying disorder, if any leading to growth of excess
hair. Treatment was performed using either one of 3 types of lasers. The first group were exposed to ruby laser (EpiTouch Silk, Sharplan) at 694 nm and 1.2 ms pulse duration, at fluences of 25-40 J/cm2 through different spot size (3,5,6mm). The second group were exposed to Long pulsed Alexandrite laser (LPIR, Cynosure) at 755 nm and 20 ms pulse duration, at fluences of 10-25 J/cm2 (average 20 J/cm2) through 7-10 mm spot size at 1 Hz. The third group was exposed to diode laser (Light Sheer, Star Med / Coherent) at 800 nm and 5-30 ms pulse duration, at fluences of 10-40 J/cm2 through a 9 mm spot size at a repetition rate 1-2 pulses/ sec. Fluence was determined, prior to the initial treatment session, by the maximum fluence tolerated according to the patient pain threshold and by the minimal resulting erythematous reaction, without any evidence of burn. Treatment was done in multiple sessions with an interval of 4 weeks and continued till a patient satisfactory hair count was reached or hair reduction ceased in two consecutive sessions. In case of ruby and Alexandrite lasers, a cooling gel or ice packs were applied to the skin surface few seconds before and after treatment. In case of diode laser, the integrated sapphire contact cooling hand piece was used. Post operative care for all patients included applying ice directly following laser sessions for a few minutes, sun avoidance, prophylactic topical antibiotics and sun screen cream with SPF 30 or more. All patients were instructed to leave the hair unshaved ten days prior to treatment and to stop hair removal methods apart from shaving or using depilatory cream between sessions. Areas of unwanted hair growth were identified and marked. It was measured using a transparency grid divided into equal squares; the area of each is 1 cm2. The terminal hairs in 10 squares were counted and the mean was calculated every time. The differences between the mean before treatment and at 1, 6, and 12 months periods were determined. The primary outcome measure was the percentage of hair reduction, defined as the percentage of each difference with respect to the initial hair count before treatment. Other secondary outcome measures were the rate of hair regrowth, complications including hyperpigmentation, white hair and recurrence.
ResultsThe clinical characteristics for the three groups were comparable (table 1). The mean number (mean +/- SD) of treatment sessions in the idiopathic hirsutism group were 6.33 +/- 1.2, 4.03 +/- 2.08 and 3.56 +/- 1.21 for the ruby, Alexandrite and diode groups respectively. In the pathologic hirsutism group, they were 6.10 +/- 1.29, 4.60 +/- 2.32 and 3.58 +/- 1.32 respectively. An immediate erythematous skin response was observed in all laser treated beard areas. All laser treated areas displayed a delay in hair regrowth. The results recorded for patients treated and followed up for 6 and 12 months revealed generally that patients whose ages were less than 30 years gave better response for laser treatment than those whose ages were more than 30 years regardless the other clinical factors and the type of laser used (Table 1). There was a significant statistical difference between them at 6 and 12 months follow up (P < 0.05). The best results were obtained when diode laser was used. In this case there was also a significant statistical difference between those of age less than 30 years and those above 30 years at 6 months follow up (P < 0.05). Poor response was observed when ruby laser was used. Polycystic ovarian syndrome accounted in 20% of the causes of hirsutism (35 out 171). There were no significant statistical differences between patients either with or without hormonal disturbance, polycystic ovary, family history and taking medical treatment in the form of antiandrogens during laser sessions on percentage of hair reduction. The results shown in table 2 indicate that there was no significant difference in the response between idiopathic patients and pathological groups. However, better results were obtained when diode laser was used for treatment.
DiscussionIn this study the diode laser induced a significant rapid reduction of hair growth that increased on long term follow up. The percent of hair reduction was significantly the least in the ruby group, 11.25, 20.17 and 39.67 percent at one, six and 12 months respectively. Alexandrite laser gave results (21.08, 51.08 and 62.35 respectively) intermediate between those obtained with diode and ruby laser. In addition, the duration of hair re-growth was shortest in the ruby group and longest in the diode group. The results of our study showed marked correlation between the percentage of hair reduction due to laser treatment and patient's age irrespective of the underlying pathology. Patients below 30 years of age responded better than older patients. This does not agree with the findings of Liew et al, where they reported no correlation between the efficacy of ruby laser treatment and age [2]. The age related improvement may be explained by the increased tyrosinase activity in middle age, which is responsible for formation of the end product melanin chromophore, through the production of an intermediate compound, dopaquinone, from the precursor tyrosine [8] The lack of any significant statistical difference between the response of pathological groups and idiopathic groups suggests that the inherent susceptibility of hair to laser irradiation is more important in hair destruction than the physiology of hair growth [9]. It is interesting to note that medical treatment in the form of anti-androgens did not improve nor accelerate laser treatment response. This finding conform to Lumachi , Rondinone, report [10] as anti-androgen drugs have only a suppressive and not curative effect that wears off a few months after cessation of therapy. This study included the largest number of treated subjects who were followed for long duration. Other studies showed a reduction in hair growth after 2 years, however the patients number was too small [11]. Other prospective controlled studies had either a smaller number of subjects or shorter follow up duration [12]. In the current study, the evaluation was done objectively by measuring the percentage of hair reduction and rate of hair re-growth, by counting the hairs through a transparency grid. Other studies based their evaluation on either subjective assessment or histo-pathological evaluation). The invasive histological evaluation, used by others [9] would have been unacceptable in our study, in the beard area, for cosmetic reasons. Other studies measured the change in hair diameter using very sophisticated computerized image analysis systems [13]. The evaluation in our study was simple, objective and can be repeated. However, in our study the sessions were continued till a patient satisfactory hair count was reached or hair reduction ceased in two consecutive sessions. This is different from Most published studies were the response was studied after a pre set number of treatment sessions. The results obtained in our study represent the maximum benefit that can be gained from the treatment. Despite that the rate of hair reduction in Alexandrite and diode groups was nearly equal at 12 months, the diode laser proved be more effective, as the number of sessions were fewer. Other studies reported improvement in the treatment of aesthetic hair or looked at many sites [9]. Our study assessed the pathological and looked at one site. It is the largest study assessing the hirsutism in the beard area, the most distressing site in women, where it is thick, coarse with short anagen duration. These are expected to have a different response to laser treatment. A variety of factors had influenced the results of hair reduction between the three laser systems. Ruby laser (694nm) produced the poorest result in this study despite it is the most absorbed by the chromophore melanin. This can be explained by fact that the longer the wavelength, the greater depth of penetration. The Alexandrite and diode lasers (at Wavelengths of 755 nm and 800 nm respectively) have 1-1.5 mm greater depth of penetration than the ruby laser and exert their effect on the hair follicle by applying the principles of selective photothermolysis. These Wavelengths are able to penetrate deep into the dermis and selectively target follicular melanin [14]. In addition, the used 20 msec pulse duration of Alexandrite and 30 msec pulse duration of diode laser in this study lie above the thermal relaxation for the epidermis, which is estimated to be 3-10 msec and below the thermal relaxation time of the hair follicles, which is estimated to be 40-100 msec, thereby optimizing selective destruction of hair follicle. In this study the shortest ruby laser pulse duration (1.2 msec) was used. Changing pulse duration may affect the response to the ruby laser. Long duration pulsed ruby lasers were recently developed. The better results obtained with the diode
laser may had been enhanced partly by the cooling effect of
the integrated sapphire and the pressure exerted by it on
the skin. Sapphire is ideal, as it has excellent thermal
characteristics and operates as a heat sink removing heat
from the epidermis[15] The possibility of using a larger spot diameter in the diode and Alexandrite lasers adds the advantage of covering a larger area over a short time, and also increases the depth of penetration. Our findings confirm the value of laser in hair reduction in the beard area of patients with Fitzpatrick skin types II - IV. In our study series of 171 patients that extended over 12 months, there were very few complications in the form of hyperpigmentation, white hair and recurrence. The best results were obtained with diode followed by the Alexandrite. Ruby laser produced the poorest results. The least complications were observed using the diode laser, followed by the Alexandrite. The highest rates of complications occurred in the ruby group (6.7 to 8.3). Accordingly ruby laser is no longer used in the management of hirsutism in our center and diode laser has become the laser of choice. Although we are much encouraged by the hair reduction in hirsutism by the diode and the Alexandrite laser, this work only studied the beard area. Further study on other body sites in hirsutism is needed. References1. Falsetti L, Gambera A, Andrico S, Sartori E. Acne and hirsutism in polycystic ovary syndrome: clinical, endocrine-metabolic and ultrasonographic differences. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2002 Aug;16(4):275-84.2. Liew SH, Ladhani K, Grobbelaar AO, Gault DT, Sanders R, Green CJ, Linge C. Ruby laser-assisted hair removal success in relation to anatomic factors and melanin content of hair follicles. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1999 May;103(6):1736-43. 3. Garcia C, Alamoudi H, Nakib M, Zimmo S. Alexandrite laser hair removal is safe for Fitzpatrick skin types IV-VI. Dermatol Surg. 2000 Feb;26(2):130-4. 4. Sadick NS, Prieto VG. The use of a new diode laser for hair removal. Dermatol Surg. 2003 Jan;29(1):30-3; discussion 33-4. 5. Weaver SM 3rd, Sagaral EC. Treatment of pseudofolliculitis barbae using the long-pulse Nd:YAG laser on skin types V and VI. Dermatol Surg. 2003 Dec;29(12):1187-91. 6. Ross EV, Ladin Z, Kreindel M, Dierickx C. Theoretical considerations in laser hair removal. Dermatol Clin. 1999 Apr;17(2):333-55, viii. Review. 7. Anderson RR, Parrish JA. photothermolysis: precise microsurgery by selective absorption of pulsed radiation. Science. 1983 Apr 29; 220 (4596). 8. Grossman M.C. Hair removal, From: Cutaneous laser Surgery. Second edition, Edited by: Goldman MP and Fitzpatric R.E, chapter 5, P. 259-278. Mosby Inc., Boston, 9. Liew SH, Ladhani K, Grobbelaar AO, Gault DT, Sanders R, Green CJ, Linge C. Ruby laser-assisted hair removal reduces the coarseness of regrowing hairs: fallacy or fact? Br J Plast Surg. 1999 Jul;52(5):380-4. 10. Lumachi F, Rondinone R. Use of cyproterone acetate, finasteride, and spironolactone to treat idiopathic hirsutism. Fertil Steril. 2003 Apr;79(4):942-6. 11. Dierickx CC, Grossman MC, Farinelli WA, Anderson RR. Permanent hair removal by normal-mode ruby laser. Arch Dermatol. 1998 Jul;134(7):837-42. 12. Grossman MC, Dierickx C, Farinelli W, Flotte T, Anderson RR. Damage to hair follicles by normal-mode ruby laser pulses. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1996 Dec;35(6):889-94. 13. Fournier N, Aghajan-Nouri N, Barneon G, Mordon S. Hair removal with an Athos Nd:YAG 3.5 ms pulse laser: a 3-month clinical study. J Cutan Laser Ther. 2000 Sep;2(3):125-30. 14. Anderson RR, Parrish JA. Selective photothermolysis: precise microsurgery by selective absorption of pulsed radiation. Science. 1983 Apr 29;220(4596):524-7. 15. Eremia S, Li C, Newman N. Laser hair removal with alexandrite versus diode laser using four treatment sessions: 1-year results. Dermatol Surg. 2001 Nov;27(11):925-9. 16. Klavuhn KG, Green D. Importance of cutaneous cooling during photothermal epilation: theoretical and practical considerations. Lasers Surg Med. 2002;31(2):97-105. © 2004 Egyptian Dermatology Online Journal |