Fig 1: Lesional, proximal and distal normal skin biopsies of a patient with stage IB MF, H&E, x 400.

Lesional biopsy

Proximal normal skin biopsy

Distal normal skin biopsy

Mildly hyperplastic epidermis.  Numerous intraepidermal lymphocytes arranged singly and in small clusters among the basal cells. Clear haloes are seen around the epidermotropic lymphocytes.

Moderately dense superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate.

Mildly hyperplastic epidermis.  Intraepidermal lymphocytes arranged  singly and in small clusters among the basal cells ,in a focal distribution.The epidermotropic cells are surrounded with clear haloes.

Sparse superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate.

Mildly  hyperplastic epidermis. Few intraepidermal lymphocytes arranged among the basal cells, as well as the upper part of the epidermis.The epidermotropic lymphocytes are arranged in small clusters and are surrounded with clear haloes.

Sparse superficial perivascular infiltrate.